Dr. I.J. Douglass’s West Indian Lime Bitters

Leverick Bay, BVI: While running conch from Virgin Gorda to parts unknown, Dr. I.J. Douglass and his crew feared the wrath of scurvy. When departing, I.J. found a local doctor who swore by the power of West Indian limes, or key limes. Ordinarily I.J. preferred using fresh seal meat to avoid the dreaded affliction, but these sour gems did the trick and the conch delivery made this adventure another profitable one for I.J.

Use 3-4 dashes with your favorite spirit and a splash of soda or syrup. This concoction is delightful with gin drinks and elevates most cocktails with a warming spice melange. The groundwork laid by the Berber traders centuries ago allowed these beautiful spices to move across the world. Let the power of nature’s natural curative ingredients elevate your constitution and relieve your stress! The spice must flow!

Flavor Notes
  • Lime
  • Vanilla
  • Lemon
  • Hops

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